Since emerging from the grave as an immortal, Bianca was warned to hide her extraordinary gifts—even from those closest to her. But when Bianca risks exposure to save her mother, she starts a chain reaction that threatens to destroy herself and everyone she loves.
Destined to rule the Aether, Blaise must find the fabled Scion in order to save his people. With a war raging, a young child missing, and friends dying, Blaise must convince the world’s most stubborn woman of her destiny before it’s too late.
The final installment to the Immortal Reign series, Blood Reign, is a steamy, action-packed ride to save two realms and the hearts of two lonely souls.
Chapter 1
New Orleans, Louisiana
Promising to love one person for the rest of one’s life took courage. Promising to love one person for the rest of one’s life, when that life could stretch into centuries, if not millennia, bordered on insanity. The institution of matrimony should have faded into oblivion when women entered the workforce. Instead, the wedding industry had boomed, along with the divorce rates.
Though Bianca would never walk down the aisle, she couldn’t avoid the drama, not when her mother had insisted on turning their home into a wedding venue. Planning had started shortly after Nick’s son was born and had ended with a floral order that left New Orleans, and much of the southeast United States, in the midst of a flower shortage. Not to mention a dress that cost more than most people’s cars, the removal of the first-floor furniture, and the complete renovation of the courtyard.
Bianca glanced at the stairs and smiled at her mother. “You look lovely.”
Gia walked into the living room with a necklace in her hand and Thorin, Nick’s six-month-old, on her hip. “Help me with this.”
Bianca fastened the diamond-studded choker. Standing next to Gia made her rethink her plain red dress and flats. If only she’d inherited a modicum of her mother’s sense of style. Most days, Bianca counted herself lucky if she put a comb through her hair and her socks matched. “You need to relax before you give yourself a heart attack.
“I will as soon as this is over.” Gia had dismissed the event planner two weeks into the process when their visions for the big day differed. Since then, she’d become the patron sinner of all things wedding.
“Uh huh. Let’s take a vacation before the next event or crisis.”
“As long as there’s a beach, I’m in. You’re on door duty.” Gia plopped Thorin in Bianca’s arms and stormed outside. “Oh, for crying out loud. We’ll roast in that tent without the breeze. Leave the flaps up.”
The bell rang as if on cue, but before Bianca could take a step, Lysander and Joliette came through the door.
Joliette glanced around the room. “The house looks beautiful. Gia has outdone herself.”
Despite her disapproval of the institution of marriage, Bianca had to agree. “Yes, she has, but she’d do anything for Nick and Marin.”
Joliette kissed the baby’s cheek. “Blaise will be here any minute. I still can’t believe Gia talked him into calling our clutch back together for the nuptials.”
“She can be very persuasive.” Bianca vaguely remembered the other members of Blaise and Joliette’s clutch. They’d met on Fat Tuesday, a year and a half ago, the night she’d lost the only father she’d ever known and a lover that had been by her side since she’d risen from the grave.
“Now that Lysander has taken over the Order, I think it’s time we all get to know each other.”
The idea of spending time with Blaise sent a tremor down Bianca’s spine. To date, being in the same room with him felt like candy-coated torture.
Lysander, looking rather dashing in his dark suit and lavender shirt, released his mate’s hand. “Have you given any more thought to the High Council position?”
Bianca shifted Thorin to her other hip. And here we go again. “I have, and I’m still not sure why you’d want me. I’ve never been a fan of the Sinistra Dei. What about Nicholai? He’s been with the Hypatians long enough to represent us.”
“Nicholai has a history with the Order. I’d rather start with someone unknown to the councilmen.”
“I’ll think about it.” The absolute last thing she wanted was to join the organization she’d spent centuries avoiding. Sure, Lysander was Grand Master now, and he had plans to reform the Order, but she wanted no part of it.
“Think of the good we could do if we were working together. Between the resources of the Catholic Church and the Hypatians, we—”
“We can discuss this another time.” Bianca had heard his arguments ad nauseam over the previous weeks.
“You’re right—this isn’t the time or place. I’ll drop it, for now.” Judging by the tone of his voice, he’d bring it up again as soon as the couple said their vows.
“We’ll see you outside.” Joliette took her mate’s arm and dragged him to the courtyard.
In need of chocolate, Bianca walked to the kitchen. She had to maneuver herself and Thorin around the catering staff but managed to reach her stash in the pantry.
Immortal energy filled the room before the doorbell rang. Bianca knew Blaise stood outside because her heart bolted into her throat as if it wanted to get a look at him from behind her tonsils.
Bianca swallowed a mouthful of candy, checked her teeth in the hall mirror, and opened the door. Blaise, and four immortals, stood on the porch. The group looked like they belonged in an upscale photo shoot rather than attending a backyard wedding. Of course, Blaise took center stage in the small crowd of beautiful people.
Bianca stood there like an idiot with her mouth hanging open and abso-freaking-lutely no idea what to say.
The man had the same dark hair and iced lavender eyes as his twin, Joliette. But that’s where the similarities ended. At a couple of inches over six feet, Blaise stood a foot and a half taller than his sister, and while Joliette’s facial features were delicate, his were sharp edges and angles and all man.
“Hi, welcome. Come on in.” All smiles, Gia came out of nowhere and stepped between her and the others.
Bianca closed the door behind them. She couldn’t blame her mother for interrupting, not really. Not when Blaise had pursued Gia since she’d freed him from a silver-lined coffin. Nor could she blame Blaise for flirting—the heart wants what the heart wants, after all. But it was humiliating to be so attracted to a man who obviously loved her mom.
It didn’t help that Gia looked like her younger sister. Immortality created some seriously twisted family trees.
Blaise kissed Gia’s cheek and ran his hand down her backside. “You look beautiful.”
Bianca wanted—no, she needed—to look away, but it was like watching a slasher movie. Sooner or later there’d be blood.
“Thank you.” She flashed him a smile and pulled away. “I should go check on the caterers. I’d prefer them to be inside before the ceremony. It’s difficult to shift with humans around.”
“Don’t shift.” Blaise’s voice lowered to a sexy purr.
Gia smirked. “I’m not about to miss the chance to share this special day with my husband.”
Bianca couldn’t change into an incorporeal form, nor could she see spirits or sprout wings. Only pure-blooded Anunnaki and a handful evolved of mixed-bloods could. Sometimes life wasn’t fair. Sometimes it was a playground bully determined to make you eat dirt.
“Of course, how silly of me.” Blaise sighed and returned to his clutch.
Flustered, Bianca called after them. “Please help yourself to refreshments.”
“He is pretty. I suppose.” Her mother watched Blaise walk away.
Bianca removed a lock of her hair from Thorin’s damp fingers. “Don’t be so hard on him.”
“I know he means well, but I’m married.”
“Blaise doesn’t see it like that. Torben is in the Aether, you’re here.” Bianca made faces at the baby, partly to hide her frustration with the situation. “He believes you’re the Scion from the prophecy.”
“I’m no such thing. Besides, what would you have me do? Date him with my husband hanging around in spirit form?” Gia shook her head. “Torben’s the love of my life, Bibi.”
Bianca chewed her thumbnail.
“What is it? And don’t tell me it’s nothing. You only chew your fingernails when something is bothering you.”
“Can I ask you something…personal?” The timing stunk, but she’d tried to broach the subject for months and had chickened out. Now that the subject of Blaise had come up, she had to know.
“Of course.”
“Are you certain Torben’s your mate?” Bianca waved her hand. “I mean. Do you guys have all of the things that Nick and Marin have?”
Gia grinned, glanced around, and leaned close. “You’re asking about your parents’ sex life? Isn’t that a little progressive?”
Bianca rolled her eyes because she knew it drove Gia crazy.
Her mother smirked. “Why do you ask?”
“Because you can put an end to Blaise’s flirting and the prophecy business if you tell him you’ve found your second-half.” She hated the jealousy in her voice. She didn’t need anyone, least of all Gia, to know how much she wanted Blaise.
Gia tapped Thorin’s nose. “Why didn’t I think of that? I’ll talk to him.”
Weddings were supposed to be happy events, but so far, she’d spent the day fending off offers to join the Sinistra Dei and behaving like a love-sick teen. “Thank you.”
Gia draped her arm over Bianca’s shoulder. “Yes, we’re bonded. I feel his emotions and marrying him healed parts of me I never knew were broken.”
“I read that soulmates die when their mates do.”
Gia glanced away. “I think I would have followed him to the Aether had it not been for you and Nick. Marin, too. You three kept me grounded. Plus, Torben never really left me. He’s around as much as any other husband. I think he stayed here so I could live.”
“That sounds like something he would do.” Bianca blinked rapidly to keep her unshed tears in check. She’d spent her entire immortality watching Gia and Torben from afar, waiting for the day the three of them could be a family again, never realizing that he’d be taken from them days after their reunion.
Gia would hate me if she knew I let him die when I could have saved him. While her mother would never admit it, Torben’s visits would one day come to an end. His soul was bound to the Aether, much like Gia’s body kept her bound to the physical world.
Horse hooves on cobblestone drew their attention. Bianca followed Gia outside.
Gia smiled at the bride and maid of honor. “Give me five minutes to get everyone seated.”
“Okay.” Marin swallowed hard as she stared past the wrought-iron gate. Her hands shook hard enough a few petals fell from her bouquet.
Gia motioned to Serena. “You might want to go around the block with the bride. She looks like she needs a minute, and I could use five.”
“Will do.” Serena leaned close and whispered something to Marin as the carriage pulled away.
Bianca stared after the bride. Outdated institution or not, she envied Marin and Nick’s relationship. What would it feel like to have someone look at me the way he looked at her?
“Bibi? What else is bothering you? You haven’t been yourself all day. Are you thinking about Andrew?” Gia took her hand.
“Torben, family in general, and yeah, Andrew.” It had taken months before the mention of his name didn’t feel like a stake in her heart. It still hurt, but she knew he hadn’t been her mate. Admitting that had given her hope. Hope that one day she’d find her second-half—or he’d wake up and realize he’d found her.
Gia drew her into an embrace. “Babies and weddings have a way of doing that. I’m so glad we found each other again. You’re my heart, Bianca.”
Thorin interrupted their embrace by spitting up thick white milk down himself and the front of Gia’s dress.
Bianca wrinkled her nose. “Leave it to a man to come between a mother-daughter moment.”
“Get everyone seated. Don’t hold up the ceremony for me. I’ll be right out.” Gia hurried inside.
Bianca walked to the courtyard and clapped her hands. “Everyone, if I can have your attention. Please take your seats. The bride will be here soon.”
Satisfied everyone had heard her, she went inside. Nick and Nicholai stood at the top of the stairs. The two King men stole her breath. They’re so handsome, and God help us all, they know it. “It’s show time. Are you ready? Last chance to duck and run.”
“I’m ready.” Nick squared his shoulders.
Bianca gave the groom a quick hug. “I’m so freaking proud of you. You’re a great dad, and you’re going to be a wonderful hubby.”
“Aw, come on. You’re going to make me cry before I even see my bride.” Nick’s emotions threatened to trickle down his cheeks.
Nicholai smoothed his lapel. “No kind words for the best man?”
“Not that your ego needs fluffing, but I love you, too.” She embraced him.
“You’re a treasure, Bibi.” Nicholai kissed her cheek.
Never one to accept a compliment, she smirked. “Better get going before Marin ends up at the altar alone.”
“We’ll see you outside.” Nicholai set his hand on Nick’s shoulder and half guided, half pushed him toward the door.
The room shifted, and the hairs on the back of Bianca’s neck stood on end. She studied the wavering energy, expecting someone to step from the Aether. “Is someone there?”
The musicians began playing an acoustic version of “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” signaling the bride had arrived.
Bianca dismissed her uneasy feeling as exhaustion induced paranoia and walked outside to watch the ceremony.